Sniper Champion 3D

Sniper Champion 3D (rating 86%/475)
Sniper Champion 3D
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Sniper Champion 3D is recommended as a first-person shooting arcade game. Here is a shooting high-score match for you. In order to complete the current level, you need to win at least 1000 scores by means of shooting the activated targets. The middle yellow area will provide you with 500 scores, The red areas will provide you with 200 scores. The blue areas will provide you with 100 scores. Try your best to win over 5500 scores and get all three golden stars!

Controls of Sniper Champion 3D

Place your target and remove your finger from screen to shoot

Game Rating And Publish Date

86% of 475 players like Sniper Champion 3D. The game was played 20,914 times since December-22nd-2021
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