Bus Driver Simulator 2

Bus Driver Simulator 2 (rating 86%/32)
Bus Driver Simulator 2
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Play Bus Driver Simulator 2 Game Online

Do you wanna drive a bus around the city? In Bus Driver Simulator, that's what you can do. Drive around the city to pick up and drop off passengers to earn cash. Later on, you can use that cash to purchase more fancy buses in the shop. Stop at each bus stop as the indicator arrow tells you. Carefully drive on the road, you don't want to hit any other car while you have passengers! Pay close attention to your gas tank level! If your gas tank level drops to zero, you won't be able to move your bus!

Controls of Bus Driver Simulator 2

Use arrow keys to control the car move and space to brake.

Game Rating And Publish Date

86% of 32 players like Bus Driver Simulator 2. The game was played 4,096 times since May-19th-2021
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