
1v1.LOL (rating 96%/599)
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Play 1v1.LOL Game Online

1v1.LOL plays like a third-person multiplayer action game that is made from the three-dimensional game engine. You are able to beat your enemies in 1v1, Party, 2v2, 4v4, Battle Royale, and Box game modes. You have several weapons to use. Keep calm and have a good time in 1v1.LOL!

Controls of 1v1.LOL

WASD - move, Space - jump, Run - left shift, E - interact, 12F - weapons, R - reload, Mouse - aim and fire

Game Rating And Publish Date

96% of 599 players like 1v1.LOL. The game was played 25,505 times since May-15th-2020
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