[{"name":"Supreme Duelist","description":"Supreme Duelist plays like a side-scrolling stickman-fighting action game. Each hero has 3 kinds of attack skills and a defense skill. Keep your ultimate slash skill cool down when it is ready, it is the most useful way to consume HP without any responsibilities. I hope you will learn some basic tactics in 18 levels in the Road to Revenge mode. Then you can challenge other players in Ranked Match and Team Battle. Have a good time dueling!\r\n\r\nGame Features\r\nEasy to operate the carAvailable to change and upgrade heroes in the Hero Interface6 heroes to unlock and selectAvailable to Upgrade, Evolve, and Skill your heroWe have Road to Revenge, Hero King, Ranked Match, Journey to Justice, and Team Battle\r\nLevel Up Your Dueling Skills with Insider Tips and Tricks\r\nClaim extra coins and diamonds from the ShopUse your slash skill immediately when it cools down: This is the most useful way to consume HP without any risksUse the most suitable attack at the corresponding distance: Use the melee attack at a close distanceUpgrade and grow your hero","control":"On PC\r\nWASD = moveI = slash skillJ = small skillsK = normal attackL = defend\r\nOn Mobile\r\nJoystick = moveTap buttons = attack and skills","thumb":"http:\/\/www.bestgames.com\/thumb\/Supreme-Duelist.jpg","file":"https:\/\/www.bestgames.com\/games\/Supreme-Duelist\/index.html","code":"